Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Advice for NREMT exam

  1. Don't let others freak you out about it. I was told just how incredibly difficult it is and honestly I thought it wasn't too bad. #2 below is why....
  2. STUDY! Study consistently throughout your EMT class and you will be fine.
  3. Check out books at your local library to prepare you for the NREMT exam. Make sure it is up to date and practice the practice exams provided in the book. Doing this is a great study guide. It will tell you your strengths and weakness' so you can go from there.
  4. No NREMT exam is the same for anyone so make sure you study all areas (OB, trauma, medical, toxicology, terms, mathematical equations, etc)
  5. DO NOT try to cram the information the night before!!!!
  6. Get a good nights rest and eat a well balanced breakfast before the exam.
  7. Try eating a mint during your exam. Studies have shown this to improve your train of thought...not sure what studies but that's what I've been told =)
  8. Talk to family or friends about what you are studying. I've found this to help me remember things. I will remember what I discussed with others and their remarks/questions about it.
  9. Don't take the exam if you are sick or disturbed about something. Make sure you are mentally and physically centered for the exam. Reschedule for a better day.
  10. Choose your testing date wisely. Don't rush it if you're not ready.

1 comment:

  1. This is informative! My brother might take this and I should share this post with him. I was busy with my Online LSAT Prep when I thought about looking for some information on this thing as I really want my brother to get through with it. He is studying very hard for this exam.
